Instances of domestic violence have been on an uptick since people are oftentimes quarantined with their abusers, with nowhere to go.
This is clearly an issue in which action needs to be taken immediately; but the question is, how can we help?
Here are some resources, places to donate, and information to further learn about this problem.



  • Turning Pointe

    • Turning Pointe is a survivor advocacy center in Washington. You can donate or apply to be a volunteer there. Turning Pointe offers a wide range of services to survivors including legal help, housing, and assists survivors in finding employment opportunities along with training them with skills needed for those jobs.

  • New Destiny Housing

    • New Destiny Housing is located in New York City. They believe in affordable and safe housing for survivors, so they both build and manage buildings in New York City dedicated to helping families transition. Ways you can help this organization are by donating and giving to their Tenant Emergency Assistance Fund to help survivors during COVID-19.

  • The Weinberg Center Shelter

    • The Weinberg Center Shelter is an elder abuse shelter. The shelter provides a safe place for elders to live short-term. Right now, it is very important for elders to have a safe place to live since they can be at a greater risk of COVID-19. Donate here to help with trauma informed therapy and legal assistance.